Consent Form
Your privacy is important to us, and we would like to continue to communicate with Parish members in a way that is in line with UK law on data protection.
Download Consent FormThe General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming into effect in May 2018 and as result of the changes in data protection laws, we need your consent for us to continue to contact you.
By signing this form you are confirming that you are consenting to RCCG Palace of Grace Parish, holding and processing your personal data for the purpose outlined in our privacy notice available at (please tick the boxes where you grant consent):- I consent to the church contacting me by [ ] post [ ] phone or [ ] email.
☐ To keep me informed about news, events, activities and services at RCCG Palace of Grace Parish (note you can unsubscribe from the church e-bulletin at any time);
☐ To including my details in the members list which is circulated to heads of departments or ministries within the Parish.
☐ To share my contact details with RCCG Palace of Grace Parish, Eastleigh so they can keep me informed about news, events, activities and services that will be occurring in RCCG Palace of Grace Parish, Eastleigh and which are directly relevant to the role I undertake in the Parish;
Signed: ______________________________ Dated: _______________________________ You can withdraw or change your consent at any time by contacting the Parish Administrator at
Please note that all processing of your personal data will cease once you have withdrawn consent, other than where this is required by law, but this will not affect any personal data that has already been processed prior to this point.